I Wish My Family Knew . . . .
Fabulous Reader, does your family make you literally or figuratively pound your head against the wall because they just don’t get you, they don’t get the issues you are struggling with, or they are telling you to “get over it, move on,” et cetera, et cetera? Well, here is your chance to throw out into The Universe what it is you wished they knew or understood about you!! Please send your wishes to bunny@theabsurdess.com, no more than a few sentences, include biographical information, if any, that you would like included and give me permission to publish your wish here. Maybe not as fun as throwing pennies in a fountain, but hopefully it will feel more cathartic! And maybe a family member will learn something—dream big people, dream big!!
I wish my family (friend, doctor, therapist, employer) knew…
When I told you as an adult that when I was 14 and I wanted to run away or kill myself, when you said, “No, you didn’t,” that did not make those things not real. I really felt that way. Maybe this erasure and denial was good for your psyche, but it hurt me to be erased. ~Bunny K, 56, someone who has thrived, despite having depression.
I went to see you at the Department of Rehabilitation when I was on social security disability. I knew something was wrong with me beyond depression yet I was trying to get my life back together. I did not even cross the threshold of your office and you looked me up and down and you said in a rude voice, “Well, you LOOK fine!” I am not someone to ask for help. I was lost and vulnerable. I came to you in earnest to get some help and you treated me like a worthless person and you completely lacked any compassion. Maybe you were having a bad day that day, that was not caused by me. I hope your day got better. ~Bunny K, 56, someone who was later diagnosed with fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue and reentered to work force and had a full career, despite my “disability” and despite you (subtext: motherfucker. Sorry, can’t help myself).
I resent those of you at Snafu County who made the work place such a anti-intellectual place; it was so oppressive and unsafe in that regard. It was one of the many ways you squished my soul. But I suppose it served some purpose for you, to have such an attitude; did it make you feel mighty when we all should have served from the humblest of places? But the oppression only served as fuel to do this. So thank you, and fuck you. ~Bunny K, 56, 15.5 year veteran and cog in the machine at Snafu County, who made it out alive despite all attempts by the higher ups to make it otherwise.