The Universe speaks to me through Irony and Absurdity!
What is the point of this website and blog, you ask?
Good question, my Fabulous Reader!
I hope you are poking around my website and blog because you need a good laugh, but also because maybe you are grappling with PTSD or depression or anxiety or a recent diagnosis of something that has earned you the new mantle of being one who is “disabled.” Maybe you are here because you had childhood trauma or a major trauma later in your life. I hope you are here looking for affirmation, compassion, relief, and perspective. I hope you are here because you don’t want to feel alone or “crazy” anymore. It is my hope that the contents of this website and the stories in my blog will bring you succor and hope and that you will learn something. Or maybe you want to better understand or help a loved one who is struggling. I hope that sharing my experiences, both personal and professional, with my sense of irony and absurdity, will bring some much needed mirth into your day, a new piece of knowledge, or a different outlook.
While everyone’s PTSD experience (or depression experience or disability experience or “I was T-boned by life” experience) is as different as every person, including how the diagnosis or incident comes about, I do believe there are commonalities in symptomology and how we may move about life because of what has been to handed us. My PTSD is work-related because of my years of experience working as a child protective services social worker. I received an upgrade to complex PTSD when I was affected by a natural disaster. I lost my possessions, home, town, and life-trajectory when the Paradise Camp Fire happened in 2018 (only four months after being placed on administrative leave for my work-related PTSD; yeah, not a good year). But I am certain if I was in the company of someone who was a war veteran, someone who lost a family member to a violent crime, someone who had multiple miscarriages, and someone who was sexually assaulted, and we were all diagnosed with PTSD, we could all relate to each other on a level that others, who have not had traumatic experiences, cannot relate to us. “Oh my God, you are avoidant too!” “You disassociate too!” “You feel unhinged and unmoored too!” “Your memory is shit too?! What was your name again?” It is through the commonalities and a desire to live a better, fuller life, that I hope we can connect.
In this website you will find various things: My Blog of stories about my tribulations, learning experiences, and triumphs from being gifted with depression/dysthymia, fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue, complex post-traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety (also known as Woes and Gifts); stories from my professional life (also known as Servitude Sagas); and stories from my childhood and life in general (also known as Grapes of Irony), and at times these stories overlap. You will also find information about me—you should, after all, know who you are dealing with! There are Tools and Resources that I have found helpful in my journey, as well as Gratitude and Acknowledgments. And my request for your thoughts and stories, Fabulous Reader!
I need to acknowledge myself and this journey here. This website is the culmination of a 46 year old dream to be a writer. Of course, 46 years ago in 1976 when I was ten years old, computers were not things people had access to in their homes and who could foresee that we could instantly communicate with each other this way (well, Gene Roddenberry did for one, so good job there Gene!). And how would I know that my desire to write and to help people, another thing that arrived on my scene when I was ten (when we as humans start to develop our social conscience), would coalesce? And because The Universe always has to throw its twenty dollars in (no two cents here!! The Universe invests way more!), the presentation of my material just has to be via the internet with the help of social media. I am not a big fan of computers, not tech savvy to this form of technology, and loathe is not a strong enough word for how I feel about social media—how fucking ironic and absurd is all of this!!!?? I am laughing joyously and with much glee!!
I recommend that to understand my perspective and writing a little bit better, you start by reading “Blog #1—Paradise Not: An Absurdist’s Perspective on Life,” found in the blog section and under the “More About” section in the menu. Over time this story will get buried in the blog, so that is why you can also access it in the “More About” section.
I hope you find what you are looking for here, Fabulous Reader and fellow human, and that you feel a little less alone and a little more understood today, and maybe you had a good laugh. Thanks for poking around!!
All the Best,
All written material and all images, unless otherwise specified, are the sole property and copyrighted by The Absurdess, Bunny Ryan-Keterman Peterson, MS (formerly Jennifer Bunny Keterman), 2022 - 2024. Nothing contained herein on this website can be used without the prior written permission of Bunny Peterson.